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Data-Driven Decisions

August 14, 2020

Michael DuncanCreative Director at Meta Creative

We are going to cover why data is so imortant and what it means for your Digital Marketing, including Social Media and Web.

Web Data

This post is brought to you by the letter ‘D’!

We are going to cover why data is so important and what it means for your Digital Marketing, including Social Media and Web.

What do we mean by data?

The standard definition of ‘Data’ is:
Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

Right, definitions out the way.

Why is data collection and analytics so important for all things Digital Marketing?

To make any informed decisions, you need data. This data will let you understand your audience, help you change direction to make the most out of your digital footprint, and most importantly, let you know that your marketing budget is being wisely spent.

You should be continually asking questions about your online activity:

  • Is a campaign working?
  • What is the audience doing on your website?
  • How many conversions have we got from these ads?
  • How much is it costing us to make a sale?

Without a consistent data flow you are running blind and burning money in the process.

Some examples of Digital analytics/data tools


Both Google Analytics and Google Search Console are very important data sources focused on your website. Analytics has in-depth information on the activity on your website (users, traffic sources, pages etc) and Search Console on your website’s performance in Google Search (keywords, search queries etc).

Google Data Studio is a great tool for gathering data from both analytics and search console in one dashboard. Add your feeds and choose from a huge range of data points.

The Facebook Pixel

One snippet of code to rule them all – the Facebook pixel is a tiny bit of code palced on each page of your website. It will collect data and help you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimise ads, create targeted audiences, and remarket to users who have taken action on your website.

Learn more here

The data sources above are a great starting point for your digital marketing and website.

Once you start analysing the different types of data you will start to get a better picture of what is working and what is not. It will let you make informed decisions that will influence the power and traction of your online activities.

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