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Make Your WordPress Website Google Friendly in a Few Easy Steps

July 30, 2018

Michael DuncanCreative Director at Meta Creative

RISC Web Design

Google is the biggest search engine today, and that’s the reason you need to make your website Google friendly.

If Google loves your site, your site will appear in search results more frequently and you will have plenty of organic traffic. Here are some simple tips to make your WordPress website Google compliant.

WordPress Plugins for 2017

Make your website mobile-friendly
According to the Google policy for search engine rankings, the search giant will pull your website from search results if it fails to pass Google’s mobile-friendly test.

Check you site here:

If it fails to impress using this tool make sure you rectify this straight away, speak with your developer to get your site mobile compliant ASAP.

Make it easy for users to find relevant info
One of the things I always tell new online businesses is to make the user journey on your website is as intuitive, relevant and simple as possible. Key information should only be a click (at the most) away. Providing an exceptional user experience on your WordPress website will make Google very happy!

Add a page for privacy policy
Google wants to know about the type and use of information you collect from website visitors. You can easily create a page in WordPress where you can provide details of your privacy policy (this has become even more important since the new EU laws came into place). Make sure you link this page from your website home page (usually in the footer). Your website’s privacy policy must clearly indicate how you will collect and use information from visitors. You should also provide details if a third-party will be using some or all of the user data.

Add a sitemap
Google loves websites with a valid sitemap. A sitemap will help Google and other search engines find content on your website. It is like a direction map for your website. If you have a Google Account, use this to sign up for Google Search Console, here you can tell Google where to find your site map – plus do a few other key tasks to get Google looking at your website.


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