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Thinking Digital … Ask These Questions

January 21, 2020

Michael DuncanCreative Director at Meta Creative

Ok, so 2020 has hit and you are ready to get your Digital Marketing underway. But, before you dive too deep – let’s have a look at some key questions that will help you gather relevant information first.

Digital Marketing Strategy

1. What’s my current digital footprint?

Here you will note down where you are currently sitting with your digital marketing. Take note of all your Website and Social Media URLs. Also, do a quick brain dump on what your current strengths and weaknesses are. Is there anything about your current activities that serve the business well and if so, why?


2. What do we want to achieve?

Write down the top 3 goals you want to achieve with your digital marketing. It’s imperative to get down your goals as it keeps us moving in the right direction. Develop goals that are specific, measurable, achievable and relevant.


3. Who are you targeting?

Get down information about your ideal client or customer. Who are they? How old? Where do they hang out online? What are their interests? This is a great place to get specific. The more detailed you can get the better you can serve this audience.


4. How will people feel when they interact with your brand?

Here we are going to work out how you want people to feel when they come across your brand online. How about safe and secure or edgy or excited? Maybe exclusive and cool, like they belong?


5. Who are your key competitors?

Define your competitors. Do they have websites or active social media platforms? If so, list them here so you can make sure your marketing is better 🙂 Who else is competing for the attention of your ideal customer and what are they doing that you think is working?


Last of all…


6. What does success look like?

When you are celebrating a successful Digital Marketing strategy in 12 months time, what does this look like? How many website visitors? How many leads? How many sales? Be as descriptive as you can.


Hopefully these questions can get you off to a great start with your online marketing for 2020 – good luck!

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